Hunter’s Story

A bouncing baby boy was born on February 26, 1996. Soon after Hunter’s birth, we had every indication that he was a healthy boy.

Hunter developed like all other children, meeting and sometimes exceeding milestones for his age, up until approximately 20 months. It then became noticeable that things were changing for Hunter. He began to lose words, eye contact, and attention.

Hunter was seen by a physician at 22 months. We were hoping to understand why he had lost significant skills. His doctor agreed that Hunter had some delays and referred Hunter to a behavioral specialist. The specialist confirmed he was on the spectrum of Autism.

This day changed our lives forever. We knew we needed to do everything we could as a family to love and support him regardless of his diagnosis.

When Hunter entered school at three years old, he met caregivers and teachers who, along with family, have made a significant positive impact on his personal development.

The people in Hunter’s life continue to give him their hearts and, Hunter gives them his.

Hunter has taught our family that everyone you meet must be valued for their inner beauty. The exterior is not a factor. Individuals with special gifts do not pass judgment on others for their looks or disabilities; they simply accept anyone who accepts them.

As we usher Hunter into adulthood, join us on his journey into the love and kindness of many hearts and families around the world! We share the sweetness of many cultures though the time-honored traditions that have created these delicious confections. From our family to yours, we hope you will enjoy the Gifts of Hunter’s hands and share his story with your friends and families.

In Hunter’s world, everybody fits!